

Tony Hayes

你可能不喜欢吃绿叶蔬菜,但你一定知道有人离不开吃甘蓝,因为一段时间以来,这种叶子已经成为健康的代名词。 事实上,它是饮食的宠儿,特别是排毒饮食。

但是你知道吗,如果以错误的方式食用,卷心菜会对你的健康不利。 据专家介绍,体内过多的卷心菜会损害消化功能。



医生解释说,这种叶子,特别是生吃时,含有一种叫原果糖的物质。 基本上,它在人体内会变成果糖。


卷心菜中存在的另一种危险物质是硫氰酸盐。 当你开始吃太多卷心菜时,这种成分会与体内的碘竞争,从而减少对矿物质的吸收,这对甲状腺的健康极为重要。


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为了避免食用卷心菜引起的这些问题,理想的做法是控制食物的摄入量,每天最多摄入5片叶子。 专家保证,这是一项安全的措施,即使对那些已经有甲状腺功能亢进倾向的人的机体也是无害的。

另一个保护自己免受这些叶子负面影响的简单方法是吃炒白菜。 发表在《人类与amp;实验毒理学》杂志上的一项研究,烹饪过程似乎能够减少这些作用于甲状腺的物质的作用。

而如果过量吃生白菜会带来问题,不要忘记注意健身缪斯表示的神圣的绿色果汁。 这样,白菜被大量消耗,以及有害物质。 因此,不要忘记在绿色果汁和沙拉中变化叶片。



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Tony Hayes

Tony Hayes is a renowned author, researcher, and explorer who has spent his life uncovering the secrets of the world. Born and raised in London, Tony has always been fascinated by the unknown and mysterious, which led him on a journey of discovery to some of the most remote and enigmatic places on the planet.Over the course of his life, Tony has written several bestselling books and articles on the topics of history, mythology, spirituality, and ancient civilizations, drawing on his extensive travels and research to offer unique insights into the world's biggest secrets. He is also a sought-after speaker and has appeared on numerous television and radio programs to share his knowledge and expertise.Despite all his accomplishments, Tony remains humble and grounded, always eager to learn more about the world and its mysteries. He continues his work today, sharing his insights and discoveries with the world through his blog, Secrets of the World, and inspiring others to explore the unknown and embrace the wonder of our planet.