异质性,它是什么? 自主性和反常性的概念和区别

 异质性,它是什么? 自主性和反常性的概念和区别

Tony Hayes

heteronomy这个词和我们葡萄牙语中的许多其他词一样,源于希腊语或拉丁语,所以我们只能通过其构成来理解其含义。 例如,"hetero "可以翻译为 "不同","nomia "翻译为 "规则"。

换句话说,它们是由自我以外的手段创造的规则,通常是社会规则、传统甚至宗教影响。 因此,这些人的决策是由外部影响做出的,而不是由他们自己做出的。 因此,创造了服从和顺应的条件,认为凡是生效的,就是无可争议的正确。

因此,瑞士心理学家让-皮亚杰确定了承认异质性的一个重要事实,即僵化。 基本上,处于异质性条件下的个人不能分析行动的手段、动机和意图,而只能分析命令是否得到了实现。

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异质性 x 自主性

另一方面,自主性包括确定与自己行为方式相关的法律的能力。 这样,个人并非不受外部影响,而是能够分析和判断所施加的规则。

因此,行动的动机和意图被考虑在内。 因此,就像在司法中一样,如果态度与规则相悖,但结果是公正的,那么这种情况就得到了验证。



除了异质性和自主性,还有无名状态。 基本上,无名状态是配置在没有规则的状态下,人无视该环境下的社会控制。


他认为,儿童在出生时还没有区分社会概念的心理能力。 因此,婴儿只是按照自己的需要行事。 然后,随着社会的影响,儿童开始按照父母和老师的认可行事,形成了异质性。 最后,随着他的在发展和道德理解方面,人可以达到自主,也可以保持在异质状态。

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资料来源:Significados和《心灵手巧》(The Mind is Wonderful)。

推荐图片: Concepts

See_also: 鸟盒》中的怪物是什么样子的? 找出来吧

Tony Hayes

Tony Hayes is a renowned author, researcher, and explorer who has spent his life uncovering the secrets of the world. Born and raised in London, Tony has always been fascinated by the unknown and mysterious, which led him on a journey of discovery to some of the most remote and enigmatic places on the planet.Over the course of his life, Tony has written several bestselling books and articles on the topics of history, mythology, spirituality, and ancient civilizations, drawing on his extensive travels and research to offer unique insights into the world's biggest secrets. He is also a sought-after speaker and has appeared on numerous television and radio programs to share his knowledge and expertise.Despite all his accomplishments, Tony remains humble and grounded, always eager to learn more about the world and its mysteries. He continues his work today, sharing his insights and discoveries with the world through his blog, Secrets of the World, and inspiring others to explore the unknown and embrace the wonder of our planet.