

Tony Hayes

如果你是那种喜欢喝酒但却遭受反弹效应的人,请放心。 似乎你的宿醉早晨可以通过一个简单的技巧来结束,因为根据中国科学家的研究,一小罐雪碧就可以解决第二天宿醉的灾难性影响。

顺便说一下,这个好消息来自中国中山大学的研究人员。 总的来说,他们研究了不同的饮料如何干扰身体对乙醇的代谢。 而显然,雪碧汽水给科学家们带来了积极的惊喜。

See_also: 海啸和地震之间有联系吗?


对这一点的解释是,这种饮料增加了醛脱氢酶的作用力。 这种酶也被称为ALDH,将酒精代谢成一种叫做醋酸的物质。 换句话说,就是负责对抗宿醉症状的物质。

因此,随着ALDH的提高,有可能减少身体代谢乙醛的时间,乙醛是一种也是由酒精消化产生的物质。 它的产生也要感谢酒精脱氢酶或ADH。

See_also: Jararaca:关于该物种和其毒液中的风险的所有信息

顺便说一下,我们提到的最后一种物质是造成头痛的主要原因。 它也是造成其他不愉快影响的原因,是宿醉的典型。


整个故事在值班的 "botequeiros"(哎呀,再读一遍!)听起来当然很精彩,但事实是,雪碧作为万无一失的宿醉疗法仍处于猜测阶段。


现在我们能做的就是希望这种廉价而美味的 "补救措施 "真的有效,不是吗? 但是,也许你在阅读了这篇其他文章后,就再也不会有狂欢了:酒精如何影响人们的外表?


Tony Hayes

Tony Hayes is a renowned author, researcher, and explorer who has spent his life uncovering the secrets of the world. Born and raised in London, Tony has always been fascinated by the unknown and mysterious, which led him on a journey of discovery to some of the most remote and enigmatic places on the planet.Over the course of his life, Tony has written several bestselling books and articles on the topics of history, mythology, spirituality, and ancient civilizations, drawing on his extensive travels and research to offer unique insights into the world's biggest secrets. He is also a sought-after speaker and has appeared on numerous television and radio programs to share his knowledge and expertise.Despite all his accomplishments, Tony remains humble and grounded, always eager to learn more about the world and its mysteries. He continues his work today, sharing his insights and discoveries with the world through his blog, Secrets of the World, and inspiring others to explore the unknown and embrace the wonder of our planet.