什么是错误? 计算机世界中该术语的起源

 什么是错误? 计算机世界中该术语的起源

Tony Hayes

Bugar是一个出现在葡萄牙语中的词,是将英语中的bug转化为动词的一种方式。 这个词最初是指昆虫,但最后在计算机世界中获得了新的含义。

在技术方面,缺陷是指软件和硬件中出现的意外故障。 在某些情况下,这些缺陷可能是无害的,但在其他情况下,它们可能成为涉及信息盗窃和其他数字犯罪情况的门户。

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在英语中,从1947年开始,昆虫这个词在技术环境中具有了新的含义。 根据军方的说法,9月9日,美国海军Mark II计算机操作员威廉-伯克发现一只飞蛾夹在一台出现问题的机器的电线之间。


随着时间的推移,它在游戏机或PC上的数字游戏玩家中变得很流行。 由于在许多游戏完成后仍然发现问题是很常见的,公众已经采用了错误这个术语。

在巴西,这个词获得了一个动词版本,就像一些从英语引进的俚语一样。 随着时间的推移,它的使用最终被扩展到游戏之外,甚至指的是大脑的 "故障",如健忘或一时的混乱。


在数字世界中,一些bug在造成历史性破坏后变得很出名。 通常,亮点的出现是因为重要系统的明显妥协,或者因为被大量的人注意到,例如在社交网络中。


然而,过去几十年中最著名的错误可能是千禧年错误。 随着1999年到2000年的转折,许多人担心计算机会将数字格式的00年视为1900年,造成一系列的信息混乱。

资料来源 : Dicionário Popular, TechTudo, Canal Tech, Escola Educação

图片 : 有趣的工程, 倾斜, KillerSites

Tony Hayes

Tony Hayes is a renowned author, researcher, and explorer who has spent his life uncovering the secrets of the world. Born and raised in London, Tony has always been fascinated by the unknown and mysterious, which led him on a journey of discovery to some of the most remote and enigmatic places on the planet.Over the course of his life, Tony has written several bestselling books and articles on the topics of history, mythology, spirituality, and ancient civilizations, drawing on his extensive travels and research to offer unique insights into the world's biggest secrets. He is also a sought-after speaker and has appeared on numerous television and radio programs to share his knowledge and expertise.Despite all his accomplishments, Tony remains humble and grounded, always eager to learn more about the world and its mysteries. He continues his work today, sharing his insights and discoveries with the world through his blog, Secrets of the World, and inspiring others to explore the unknown and embrace the wonder of our planet.