如何去除手机上照片的红眼 - 世界的秘密

 如何去除手机上照片的红眼 - 世界的秘密

Tony Hayes

有没有发生过这样的情况:你拍了一张完美的照片,却因为一个小细节而被毁了? 而这个细节就是红眼睛? 这种现象比你想象的更常见。

这种效果通常是由光线直接反射到视网膜上造成的,这就是为什么 "闪光 "照片比较常见的原因,尤其是在弱光下拍摄的照片。


为了帮助你,顺便说一下,有一些免费的应用程序可用于安卓和iOS。 在我们的文章中,我们将使用红眼去除。



See_also: 有哪些主要的星座和它们的特点?

请注意,在照片的中心有一个带红色十字架的圆圈。 你应该移动照片,使十字架正好在照片中变成红色的眼睛上面;

只要你把十字架放在眼睛上,就会显示修正的预览。 要确认,你必须在圆圈内点击;

一旦你完成了两只眼睛的程序,寻找一个类似于软盘的图标来保存更改。 在下一个屏幕上点击 "OK"。

See_also: 深海动物,它们是什么? 它们的特点,它们的生活地点和方式



打开 "照片 "应用程序,搜索需要修正的照片;



触摸每只眼睛,试图击中瞳孔,然后触摸 "OK"。


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来源:Olhar Digital

Tony Hayes

Tony Hayes is a renowned author, researcher, and explorer who has spent his life uncovering the secrets of the world. Born and raised in London, Tony has always been fascinated by the unknown and mysterious, which led him on a journey of discovery to some of the most remote and enigmatic places on the planet.Over the course of his life, Tony has written several bestselling books and articles on the topics of history, mythology, spirituality, and ancient civilizations, drawing on his extensive travels and research to offer unique insights into the world's biggest secrets. He is also a sought-after speaker and has appeared on numerous television and radio programs to share his knowledge and expertise.Despite all his accomplishments, Tony remains humble and grounded, always eager to learn more about the world and its mysteries. He continues his work today, sharing his insights and discoveries with the world through his blog, Secrets of the World, and inspiring others to explore the unknown and embrace the wonder of our planet.